jeudi 11 octobre 2007

Debector "In My Bag 1"

Here is a selection of good eclectic music ( electronic, hip hop, funk, soul, jazz, world, disco, reggae).
Perfect to chill at home or to relax in your car during the traffic jams.
Download the mix here:

01 Eumir Deodato "Also Sprach Zarathustra"
02 Mulatu Astatke "Yekermo Sew"
03 Althea & Donna "Uptown Top Ranking"
04 Moo "Musiq"
05 Nightmares On Wax "Ease Jimi"
06 Outside "Crazy"
07 Curtis Mayfield "Freddie's Dead"
08 Alfonse Mouzon " By All Means"
09 Hector Lavoe "Periodico De Ayer"
10 MFSB Feat The Three Degrees "The Sound Of Philadelphia"
11 Mighty Ryeders "Evil Vibrations"
12 Bloodstone "Natural High"

2 commentaires:

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hooooo lala!!
la vieille surprise qui tue: Nightmare On Wax>Ease Jimi

merci,merci,et encore merci. :D

Anonyme a dit…

Slt Master Debector,
Cmt va ? ;o)
Je rêve ou c'st encore la chasse aux melodies originaux. J'ai cru entendre un air de "What a man" de En Vogue & Salt n'Peppa dans "Ease Jimi" et l'intro et melodie d'une chanson de Justin Timberlake (dont le titre m'echappes) dans "Musiq"